Windows Terminal PowerShell Tips

Profile Specific Settings in profile.ps1

There is an environment variable that holds the ID of the current Windows Terminal profile.


I use it so that I have PSReadLine set to ListView for all but 1 profile. I have a terminal profile for presentations and find ListView to be potentially distracting.

if($env:WT_PROFILE_ID -ne "{4da51a9a-dad3-44bb-a925-38956366f573}"){
    Set-PSReadLineOption -PredictionViewStyle ListView

To see the profile id, you can view the JSON settings file for Windows PowerShell and take the guid for the profile you want (including {}). You can also run $env:WT_PROFILE_ID to see the id of the current profile.


Creating Custom Set-Location Aliases.

Sometimes you find yourself going to the same directories over and over again. It becomes helpful to have a quick way to navigate to those directories. A convenient way is to set a hashtable with the alias name and corresponding path.

$locationAliases = @{
	repos = "C:\Users\UserName\source\repos";
	proj = "C:\Git\Projects";
	cd2 = "..\..\";
	cd3 = "..\..\..\";

We can then make a single function making use of the $MyInvocation Automatic variable. This way we can determine which alias was used to call the function.

function Set-Location-Custom{
	&Set-Location $locationAliases[$MyInvocation.InvocationName]

Then just loop through the keys in the hashtable and create the aliases.

foreach($key in $locationAliases.Keys){
	Set-Alias -Name $key -Option AllScope -Value Set-Location-Custom

Some more advanced functionality

Say you want these to work more like the standard Set-Location command. With tab autocompletion to directories relative to the specific location. In that case we just modify the Set-Location-Custom command to take a parameter for Path.

function Set-Location-Custom {
		$fullPath = Join-Path -Path "$($locationAliases[$MyInvocation.InvocationName])\" -ChildPath $Path;
		if (-not (Test-Path -Path $fullPath -PathType Container)){
			throw "Invalid path: $fullPath"
		Set-Location $fullPath

Then we just need to register a custom argument completer to give us the autocompletion we need.

Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Set-Location-Custom -ParameterName Path -ScriptBlock {
	param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameters)

	# Set-Location-Custom is always called with an alias. We need to get that alias and find the coresponding directory.
	$path = $locationAliases[$commandAst.CommandElements[0].Extent.Text]
	# Change any forwardslashes to backslashes
	$wordToComplete = $wordToComplete -replace '/','\'
	if (-not $wordToComplete){
		# No input, so list all directories in the $path directory
		$directories = Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Directory | ForEach-Object { $_.Name + '\'}
	} elseif ($wordToComplete -notlike "*\*"){
		# There is input that does not contain any backslashes, so list directories that match the input in the $path directory
		$directories = Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Directory -Filter "$wordToComplete*" | ForEach-Object { $_.Name + '\'}
	} else{
		# The input contains at least one backslash, so list directories that match <input after last backslash>, in the directory ($path + <input through last backslash>)
		$prefix, $suffix = $wordToComplete -split '\\(?=[^\\]+$)', 2 # split input into two parts at the last backslash
		$prefix = $prefix.TrimEnd('\') + '\' # Depending on input, $prefix may or may not have an ending backslash. This makes sure there always is one and only one
		$path = Join-Path -Path $path -ChildPath $prefix
		$directories = Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Directory -Filter "$suffix*" | ForEach-Object { "$prefix$($_.Name)\" }
	return $directories

Removing the Windows Message When You Launch a PowerShell.

If you want to remove this message for a cleaner look:

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Loading personal and system profiles took 586ms.

Go into the Windows Terminal Settings. Select the PowerShell profile you want to remove the message from. Edit the "Command line" setting. Add /nologo after powershell.exe. Mine looks like this.

powershell.exe /nologo